Warm tip
In order to reduce the weight of plant, you'd better pick ripe tomatoes timely, and it will also promote the growth of new fruit.

How to Accelerate the Tomato Ripening?

Many red ripe tomatoes in green plants

Green tomato plants are covered with ripe fruits

Each summer resident - the most gardeners have their secrets to accelerate ripening. Two methods for ripening tomato list here.

The most simple method - use a toothpick to pierce tomatoes

To pierce tomatoes with a toothpick near the stalk in several places. Puncturing is not particularly deep - half the length of a toothpick. The maturation tomato was significant in the color and taste. In taste they did not suffer, and holes from toothpicks just weather-beaten and were not particularly noticeable.

Another surgical methods ripening tomato - make a slit on the tomato plant

Near the root collar of tomato plants need a very sharp knife or scalpel blade to make a through slit 7-10 centimeters long and the resulting splitting of the stem insert wooden stud thickness of 4mm - 5mm, which is made from a match or a piece of dry pine sticks. In this course you need to be careful not to cut the trunk completely.

This makes the tomato plant concentrate all their efforts on the safe rearing fetus, ie future offspring, and some use for future generations of the family of tomato vegetative mass.

This cut operation decreases downward current - accumulated stock of leaf photosynthesis in the fruit is used almost entirely, as they block the way to the roots, thereby harvest ripens faster. Use this method to ripening tomato has another benefit - fruits become sweeter and they have more solids.

If you want to speed up the ripening of tomatoes, you can try the above methods. It will help you.

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